“Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike” at Theatre at the Mount

THEATRE AT THE MOUNT (http://mwcc.edu/campus-life/tam/). Christopher Durang’s Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, directed by Craig Cormier, runs October 6-7 and October 13-15 with a cast of Pamela Hill, Michael Cellularo, Trish Aponte, Hadley Crane, John Gilbert and...

Audition by Subtraction – by Michael Walker – Part 1

Or “How To Avoid Audition Suicide” You will find the Mother of All Fatal Audition Mistakes below.  In later entries, I’ll introduce you to her Ten Children (all named “Never”) and a few of their Many Cousins. If you play with this family of missteps, one of them will...